------2016----The American Artist Professional League, Inc., Inc.
----------------The Barbara Newington Award for Traditional Sculpture, Highest Sculpture
----------------Award in National Fine Art Exhibition
------2015----The Audubon Artists -The Marion & Gil Roller Memorial Award in Sculpture
----------------The Allied Artists of America - Members and Associates Award
------2014----The Allied Artists of America - Gold Medal of Honor
------2012----The Allied Artists of America - The Rhonda Sherbell Award for Portraiture
------2011----The Allied Artists of America - Silver Medal of Honor
----------------Audubon Artists, Inc. - Elliot Liskin Memorial Award for Realistic
------2009----The Pietro & Alfreda Montana Memorial Award
----------------The Allied Artists of America
----------------The John Spring Art Founder Award - National Sculpture Society
------2008----Silver Medal of Honor – The Allied Artists of America
----------------The Domenico Facci Memorial Award, Audubon Artists
----------------Semi-Finalist – Art Renewal Center’s International 2008/2009 ARC Salon
------2007----Sculpture Finalist, 4th International Art Renewal Center Salon Competition
----------------Honorable Mention, 4th International Art Renewal Center Salon Competition
------2006----Sculpture Finalist, 3rd International Art Renewal Center Salon Competition
----------------Best in Annual Show
------2005----Best in Annual Show
------2004----Honorable mention, Juried Member's Exhibition
------2003----Nessa Cohen Grant
------2002----Nessa Cohen Grant
----------------Merit Scholarship: Between Realistic and Non Objective Category
------2001----Best in Annual Show
------1996----Best in Annual Show
------1973----Painting Award, Fence Art Show, The Brooklyn Museum
------2016----The American Artist Professional League, Inc., Inc.
----------------The Barbara Newington Award for Traditional Sculpture, Highest Sculpture
----------------Award in National Fine Art Exhibition
------2015----The Audubon Artists -The Marion & Gil Roller Memorial Award in Sculpture
----------------The Allied Artists of America - Members and Associates Award
------2014----The Allied Artists of America - Gold Medal of Honor
------2012----The Allied Artists of America - The Rhonda Sherbell Award for Portraiture
------2011----The Allied Artists of America - Silver Medal of Honor
----------------Audubon Artists, Inc. - Elliot Liskin Memorial Award for Realistic
------2009----The Pietro & Alfreda Montana Memorial Award
----------------The Allied Artists of America
----------------The John Spring Art Founder Award - National Sculpture Society
------2008----Silver Medal of Honor – The Allied Artists of America
----------------The Domenico Facci Memorial Award, Audubon Artists
----------------Semi-Finalist – Art Renewal Center’s International 2008/2009 ARC Salon
------2007----Sculpture Finalist, 4th International Art Renewal Center Salon Competition
----------------Honorable Mention, 4th International Art Renewal Center Salon Competition
------2006----Sculpture Finalist, 3rd International Art Renewal Center Salon Competition
----------------Best in Annual Show
------2005----Best in Annual Show
------2004----Honorable mention, Juried Member's Exhibition
------2003----Nessa Cohen Grant
------2002----Nessa Cohen Grant
----------------Merit Scholarship: Between Realistic and Non Objective Category
------2001----Best in Annual Show
------1996----Best in Annual Show
------1973----Painting Award, Fence Art Show, The Brooklyn Museum